Monday, November 7, 2011

Map Poll

Alright, I would like some opinions. I am thinking about taking down the Earth map and the Hardcore map. It seems like I am the only one playing on them for the time being. I'll leave this poll up for awhile, and I'll take any opinions given, (use the comment section below,) into consideration. If I don't hear from anybody within a week or so, I'm taking them down.

Gearing up for the full release of Minecraft; getting ready to start building Adventure-mode maps for people to play. That should help keep you guys busy. Let me know if there is anything else that needs doing or that you would like to try out.


  1. I don't use the Hardcore map, but that's just because I'm terrified of Creepers. Other than that, I've been on the Earth map, but not a lot because of workload.

    And I'm working on Hogwarts....

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