Thursday, March 1, 2012

Minecraft 1.2 is Out!

Minecraft version 1.2 is officially out! Full list of changes can be found on the Dev Blog but a brief summary is here:

New jungle biome
Added ocelots
Added cats
Added iron golems
New AI for mobs
Tame wolves can have puppies
Villagers will have children if there is room in their village
New map height limit (256 instead of 128)
New items and blocks
Doors have been updated so that double-doors work better with redstone
Added rare drops for mobs
Many other minor tweaks and fixes

As is our usual system, the server will NOT be updated until Bukkit receives its update so that we can maintain all of our plugins. The link for a download of the alternate launcher is listed below...using it to download the latest build will obviously give you Minecraft 1.2, but you will have to use a 1.1 client to connect to our server.

Minecraft Launch Switcher

Happy crafting! I will keep watching Bukkit so that we may update our server as soon as possible.


  1. Are we going to add a 'new server' for exploration purposes with the new features like last time?

  2. I may do this later today. I will make a new post if I do.
