Saturday, October 8, 2011

Systems Test

I just want to see how many people actually come to this page and read the information here. I'm I'll be conducting a rather informal poll.

If you read this, send me an email with the subject line "I read it," and I will give you 3 diamonds in-game next time I catch you online.

Rules: you are NOT allowed to tell anybody else who plays on the server about this deal. They are only allowed to discover it for themselves. Also, there is a deadline; any emails received after noon on Monday will be disregarded.

Cheers. ;)


  1. This is what I get for only checking it about once a week. Sad day. :[

  2. I do try to update this blog several times a week; because I change things on the servers about that often. Could always subscribe to or follow the blog with the links at the bottom of the page, to help keep you updated better.
