Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Worlds Collide...

Worlds have collided. Previously to this, I had three separate Minecraft servers running on my private server. Two of them, you all knew about, and the third was sort of a test environment that was largely restricted to special parties. This created a large amount of overhead processing power, in order to run all processes in triplicate. Obviously, this is not a very efficient system.

So I changed it. Now, all three of those worlds are running on the SAME Minecraft server, which is at the address of the Main server. So, now down to the important part....

You can remove the links to the Secondary/Freestyle server that you have in your Minecraft application; the only one you need for now is the Main server link. I may re-implement the other server again at some point, but for now we will stick with just the Main server.

When you sign into the Main server, you should type /warplist. This will give you a list of all the places you can warp to by typing "/warp WARPNAME"

If a warps name is preceded by an M, (such as MCentral,) it is the Central warp on the Main server.

If preceded by a T, it is a warp on the Tunnels server. (Currently, no warps are implemented on the alternative servers.)

If preceded by a P, it is a warp on the Planetoids server. (Didn't you read the parenthesis above?)

So, go ahead and "/warp MCentral," and you will see the Portals you can go through to get to each of the other worlds. Walking through them loads you into the new world; there are also return portals at the other end that will take you back to Main.

Note: your inventory does not transfer over from world to world. What you have in Main will not be in your inventory when you get to Tunnels. However, when you go back to Main, you will still have everything you had when you left it originally. The same goes for the others; you have a different inventory for each world. This is to stop people from going through to a creative world, (which will be implemented at some point I'm sure,) spawning a bunch of stuff, then traipsing back through into a Survival world. We don't want that, for obvious reasons.

Also, the map, (map.torvserv.com,) now hosts the files for ALL of the worlds, so they are not all at separate URLs. Just go to http://map.torvserv.com, and float over the right sidebar; you will see the options to view the maps of the other worlds.

Anything else? No? Well then, here is a Youtube video from Apocalyptica's Album "Worlds Collide," (to go along with my heading,) and while it plays, go get signed into Minecraft and start crafting!

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